The Success Network – Apply Here


Are you a good business development professional?

You need to be!

Whether you serve on boards or have joined the Chamber of Commerce or other community organization, you are the face of the credit union to people you meet. More importantly, wherever you go in the community you serve, you are a business development rep, first for your credit union and second for your own career.

Thinking of yourself as a business development rep helps you build your own Success Network. Here are a few ways to master the role:

  • Have your business cards handy, not having to dig through pockets or a purse to retrieve them. And, ask each person for their card. At an event, it is still necessary to have a business card to exchange contact information. Not easy to tap everything about the person into your phone especially if you’re holding food or beverage!
  • Be prepared with “Why” or “How” questions when meeting someone because they will start a conversation. If you use Who, What, Where, When questions, these are fact-finding and short-answer style questions.
    • “Why did you get involved in this organization?”
    • “How did you come to be at this event?”
  • Find something in common with a person you are introduced to or meet for the first time. People light up like Christmas trees when finding a connection with another person.
  • Actively listen and show genuine interest in the answers that someone provides rather than trying to think of your next comment or looking over their shoulder to see who else is coming into the room.
  • Relax and be friendly. Someone with a smile on their face is always approachable.

The double dip of representing your credit union out in the community as well as meeting new people for adding to your personal Success Network, makes you an incredible business development machine!

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