‘It’s Personal’ Sound Bite

personaliized_email_zoomA constant topic in marketing blogs, e-newsletters and podcasts is how to reach people on the screens of their mobile devices.  One important point to consider is that we are reading our email on our devices, not just a computer.

The key then, is to make it personal!

  • Evaluate the online experience by going through the steps that you ask your customers to follow.
  • Use names in email marketing, especially when it is a targeted broadcast to customer/members of a specific demographic, product mix or behavioral aspect.
  • Track the journey for the person to see how you can make it more exceptional rather than frustrating.
  • Re-target with the name of the person who just opened your email message.

Let us create an e-marketing campaign system or a digital advertising campaign for you! You can get personal with your customers/members and prospects.  Turn to LemmonTree to capture the creativity and stand out with every touch. Easy as emailing LemmonTree!

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