4 Digital Ways to Attract Prospects for Membership Growth

2016-04-Tips-AAre you feeling overwhelmed with all the different marketing channels to manage to help your credit union achieve the goals set for the year?  Here is a quick review of 6 digital ways to help you jumpstart your membership growth since I figure it is on your credit union’s list of goals!

It’s is becoming crazy how many things are being discussed from “big data” to “mobile” to “digital ads” and more. And the key is to get your credit union in front of more prospects! So let’s dive in:

Digital Ads – Perfect for reaching prospects in a targeted area with specific demographics and/or interests. You can target age, income, hobbies or other buying habits. For example, you want to reach prospects within a 10-mile radius of your branch that are women between the ages of 25-45 who have children. We can set up a campaign with 3-4 different ad sizes to pop in on websites that these women are visiting. Link the ads to a specific landing page with some amazing content that engages them and provide links to start a relationship with your credit union today!

Facebook Ads – Because there is so much information collected by Facebook on its users, you can select a target audience by age, geography, interests and more. There are several ad sizes and options that you can choose including ads within the Newsfeed, in the right-hand column, and on Instagram, or as a boosted post, and maybe using video! Key is that you are trying to interest someone in your credit union when the viewer is trying to connect with their friends and family. You have to provide compelling ad content to get them to click to your website or Like your credit union’s Facebook page.

Mobile Ads – The younger the adult you are targeting, the more likely he/she will be glued to a smartphone. So, including the use of mobile site ads on both smartphones and tablets is key to getting in front of these younger prospective members.  Plus, if your ad is showing up in their news feeds or social media feeds, you become part of their world. The ads are smaller, so the copy punch has to be bigger!

Retargeting – While this form of digital ad placement started out as a bit creepy, with ads showing up on the next website you visited showing something you just looked at on the Lands’ End website, it has become accepted and mainstream. Adding a retargeting pixel to your landing page of a digital campaign will allow tracking of that interested prospect.  Your retargeting ad pops up in another web search that the visitor goes to and your ad serves to remind him/her about your great offer and value of joining.

For more information and a partner to help develop your digital strategy and campaigns, click here to see information on LemmonTree’s digital campaign options.

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