Marketing Isn’t Traditional or Digital or Online or Social – It’s ALL of That!

My Marketing Strategy
Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder

Marketing Strategy

Today’s world is filled with congestion in media, congestion online, and congestion in social media. The ability of a marketer to cut through the clutter is getting more and more difficult.

Senior management demands more lead generation with less budget dollars. Consumers demand more attention and talk about your brand online forcing marketers to monitor more communication channels.

To reach consumers, both members/customers and prospects, requires marketers to be nimble, thoughtful and strategic with every budget dollar and every hour of the day.

So, when I see social marketing or SEO/SEM agencies online on Twitter or their blogs using the term “traditional” marketer, it gets me riled! If you are in marketing, you’re a marketer- right? No reason to make it seem “us” and “them” because we are all using the same basic principles of marketing to build business.

Here are my 3 starter questions for making decisions across all the marketing choices:

  • What are the credit union’s goals so I can focus the marketing attention on the most likely members/prospects?
  • What resources (media, online, direct, in-branch, social network) are available to reach the targets and can be built upon over and over for more cost effectiveness?
  • Can we track results in some way?

2 thoughts on “Marketing Isn’t Traditional or Digital or Online or Social – It’s ALL of That!

  1. Thanks, Tom! You have created some insightful posts about the so-called death of advertising on your blog as well, The other danger is that clients feel these tools, especially the online ones, are free, so “can’t anyone write that, do that, design that?” Spending our careers honing marketing strategy and skills sometimes gets pushed aside in an eagerness to cut costs, streamline budgets and focus on short-term results. Yet, marketing professionals press on to create results for those that appreciate our expertise!

  2. Spot on, Nicolette. We marketers have an unprecedented abundance of tools to draw from today. Yet, so much money is wasted putting the cart before the horse.