Living Your Brand

Are you focusing attention on the experience that your customers/members have when doing business with your organization?  Recently, I took a tour for a client with a video camera to show the C-suite executives what it is like for a prospect to walk into their branches, what the process was like for opening an account, and then the same experience opening an account online. The “tour” was eye-opening because it is often hard for executives to get out make a …

For Eyeballs – Use Demographics, Consumer Habits and Targeted Messages

In choosing marketing channels for your brand message, there are so many differing opinions. From TV advertising to online ads to social media, it comes down to how can you get the right sets of eyeballs to see your marketing message. Here are three questions that help me to narrow down where to purchase media or place ads: Who is my best prospect in terms of age, income, geographic proximity, and gender? What are their lifestyle habits in terms of …

3 Copywriting Tips – How to keep the copy minimal and concise!

As someone who is a writer and loves words, it still very hard to create the perfect-length of copy for marketing pieces in the first draft.  Also, it is tough to review someone else’s copy before it’s placed in a layout. Here are some good ways to work your copy: If you are making more than one point, especially more than 100 words, think about review and cutting three times!  Look to replace multiple syllable words with shorter words and …

The Helpful Message

Financial Freedom Steps
Financial Freedom Steps
Financial Freedom Steps
Financial Freedom Steps
Financial Freedom Steps
Financial Freedom Steps

In marketing, it’s easy to turn to uplifting, positive messaging to try to attract the attention of prospects and existing customers/members.  Along with the positive messaging, however, it’s good to consider what the average consumer is facing in terms of their money management to fund new purchases or buy your products/services. Here are a couple stats that are worth considering in tailoring your marketing messages. The State-by-State Financial Capability Survey, released by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, provides insights into …

Marketing Mistake #1 of 3: Don’t Assume a Holiday Slow Down

When the Christmas items start to appear in the retail stores, it is easy to assume that the 4th Quarter will slow down because consumers will be more focused on holiday purchases and not the everyday things that will help achieve those annual goals. Never assume!  With the changes in the economy, we have also seen changes in consumer spending and disruptions across all kinds of consumer and service industry segments. Make your marketing sparkle like a shiny object to …

Reposition Your Brand

Some of the best email marketing that I have seen comes from Motley Fool, the investment guys. Now, this tip is about the message, not the e-marketing style! The graphic was eye-catching because it brought to light the many industries that have already been disrupted and the brands that were associated with them either disappeared or have tried to hang on to reposition their brands to meet the new consumers. While this mentions those industries disrupted, there are still successful …

Dealing with Changes in Consumers in Your Marketing Plan

There is an old marketing adage known as the Rule of 7 that has been mentioned in marketing texts about the times it takes for a consumer to recognize and remember your marketing or advertising message. I have always dubbed it the “Magic of 7,” and it has served to keep the consumer top of mind when creating marketing promotions. Consider that there is a lot of noise, crowded media channels as well as different viewing and listening habits that …

Cross-Selling to the Stressed Consumer – Can You?

No matter what products and/or services your organization sells and provides to customers or members, you are dealing with money as an emotional issue.  A survey by the American Psychology Association noted that 8 of 10 Americans are stressed because of money concerns.  With that kind of stress, who can you find that is willing to spend money or pay for your products/services? The key is to start with your current database and engage those customers/members who have already plunked …

Bright Spot in Your Marketing Can Be Key

Last month, a board member at one of my clients complemented my marketing presentation as the best one he has ever seen in his time on the board.  Another board member mentioned he usually has a critique but I hit his concerns on the head, so he was happy.  It was a great feeling because I felt that I had found the “Bright Spots” in the marketing results. According to authors, Chip Heath and Dan Heath of Switch: How to …

Aligning Marketing & Technology

“The year is 2015. Don dials up his credit union from his interpersonal telecomputer, which he carries everywhere.  It’s his telephone and window to the world, containing all his family’s personal data. As the screen comes up, Don chooses a live interface mode instead of direct account access because he needs information about a new investment the credit union offers…” Recently, when doing some research, I came across an article I had written in 1995 for CUNA’s Credit Union Executive …