3 Ways to Make Your Marketing Matter – Starting Now

The New Year enables a fresh perspective on achieving goals across the coming months, and yet the time seems to fly by because of busy schedules, so many people asking you for things and shifts or changes in your marketing plan from senior management.

Want a few great ways to stay focused and efficient even when senior managers are throwing wrenches into your nicely laid out plan?  Here are my three “go to” solutions:

  1. Create a Swipe File – Set up in a folder on your PC or laptop labeled that has other folders inside it with different types of promotions, social media and offers that struck a chord with you when you saw them. Here is a snip of mine because after years of working with clients, it’s my go-to for all kinds of ideas and past themes to spark my creativity:swipe-file-with-hightlight
  2. Don’t Ignore Tracking – The ability to keep tabs on your results is key in being able to speak confidently with senior management when they question budget expenditures and success of your promotions. Most importantly, it’s about making it easy and consistent to keep the focus on moving forward to achieve credit union goals. We have created a variety of dashboards for clients and have examples here https://cumarketinguniversity.com/marketing_dashboard.php.
  3. Dump DIY – While professionals are attracted to marketing for the creativity, today’s world is more about getting your promotions and content out as quickly as possible to fund lead generation and building business. If you constantly try to do it yourself, you have lost focus on managing your marketing to make it matter So, find those professionals who know what they’re doing and pay them to make you more successful as you have time to communicate and track results with senior management.

Want to ramp up your marketing success? Contact us at 7solutions@lemmontree.com or call toll free at 1.888.536.6243.

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