As a marketer, the hardest thing to craft is the layout with a grabber headline or offer that will attract your target person’s attention. With so much clutter of brands battling for eyeballs, what will work for the message you want to have your target customer/member see?
Here are some tips to help you be more effective:
- Use Color – The target person’s eyes are drawn to contrasts, so using contrasting colors within your marketing materials will get their attention! Whether it is a splash of red or another bright primary, try to keep the highlight color for your offer or restatement of a special message.
- Use Emotion – Providing a good visual, either photo or graphic, that evokes an emotional response will also draw the attention of someone looking at your marketing. Just remember to keep the photo or graphic related to your message and type of business.
- Use Multimedia – When possible, add a way to engage the target person like offline, the link to use to see a video clip or visit a microsite for a contest or information. When using e-marketing or online ads, an embedded video clip or a GIF graphic that is animated will enable draw the target person’s eye to your message.
“We’ve gone from being exposed to about 500 ads a day back in the 1970s to as many as 5,000 a day today.”
— Jay Walker-Smith, Yankelovich Consumer Research
Most importantly, as a trusted brand, make it easy for the target audience to know the problem you will solve or the value you can bring to their life. Then, make sure that if they want to take you up on the offer, the steps are easy, clearly stated, and seamless with your internal processes. If your staff is not fully briefed about the offer, you have a real chance of losing any momentum from the target person when he/she chooses to respond over the phone or in your office!
And, if you have a good tip to cut through the clutter, let us know in the comment box below!
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