The Color Code – A Tool for Understanding Your Core Motivator for Improving Communication

Last month I had the benefit of hearing Erin Tawney, Impact Success Solutions, speak about the Color Code, an assessment tool that helps you understand your core motivator.Erinhad many years in Fortune 500 companies in sales and marketing roles. She decided to step into consulting professionals to reach their goals with tools and coaching services.

From the simple assessment, you can gain the first level of the Color Code. There are four and each carries with it a communication style that the person will exhibit.  In keeping with my theme of 3 tips, here are three insights that I gained:

  1. At our core level, we are motivated by Power (Red), Intimacy (Blue), Fun (Yellow) and Peace (White).
  2. The key to how we respond helps communication. My teenage daughter took the assessment and came out a Red while I was a Blue. It helped me to better understand the dynamic underlying our relationship of her wanting to direct/control/win to my care/team/nurture motive.
  3. Never judge the proverbial book by its cover. The quiet “White” sitting next to me gave me the impression that he wasn’t connecting to it at all. Then, turned to me at the end and said he thought it was a great presentation and so interesting!

For more information on taking the Color Code assessment and Erin’s consulting services, contact her at Impact Success Solutions, (602) 350-4330, or

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