Social Media Personal Brand

In an article in the Money section of, author Lindsay Olson cited this statistic, “According to a recent survey by Reppler, more than 90 percent of recruiters will check on you on social media sites.”

So, it really does matter what your personal brand looks like online! Here are some quick tips:

  • Set up Google Alerts. Use this free tool for your name to know where and when your name is mentioned. This also helps you to know if there are multiple people with your same name that could confuse human resource people when searching for your name online.
  • Use a Professional Profile Picture. In a study by EyeTrackShop and Mashable, a quick webcam study of 30 participants found that the profile picture attracted the most attention on sites that provide them.
  • Update Your Social Media. In an article about standing out in a tough job market on the Money section of US, author Miriam Salpeter says sharing pertinent industry information and broadcast your activity keeps you top-of-mind.

Keeping your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or other social networks updated, professional and active does make it easier for your Success Network to keep you in mind!

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