In Celebrating an Anniversary…

My Marketing Strategy
Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder

…the spirit of entrepreneurship is alive and well even in this economy!

When special dates come along, like an anniversary, it is sometimes shocking to think how time flies. This month is our 26th anniversary and it seems crazy that Lemmon-Aid Marketing Services (now LemmonTree Marketing Group) was started that many years ago in a kitchen with less than $2,000. I decided my first, most important purchase was a computer and in 1984 that meant a tiny screen with green type!

Now, this many years later, I can’t live without my two flat screen monitors so I can have multiple documents up at one time.

Here are a few things that starting a business in 1984 and looking at today that are incredible:

No e-mail ….. Now there’s Twitter
No cell phones ….. Now there’s Blackberry and iPhone
No laptops ….. Now there’s Netbooks
No websites….. Now there’s Facebook

How did I create and sustain this 26-year old company? Through embracing change, using our creativity to come up with new solutions, and always watching for new opportunities.

The lesson for this entrepreneur as a small business owner looking back over the ups and downs of a marketing consulting firm: Keep the spirit of entrepreneurship alive!

It is the spirit of an entrepreneur that helps to weather all the economic, social, technological and demographic changes. It is this same spirit that demonstrates to all that there are new ideas on every horizon.

More importantly, to stay in business today, everyone should embrace the entrepreneurial spirit to propel their organizations through constant change and ride the waves of outrageous fortune!

26th Anniversary logo

25th Anniversary TimelineCheck out our 25th anniversary timeline that we developed for our celebration last year…it’s a hoot to look back over the past 25 years.

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