Things to Make You Say “Hmmm!”

Here are just a few of the items that are good things to think about in your marketing strategy for 2013 and beyond:

  • Every 30 seconds, two non-Hispanic consumers turn retirement age while every 30 seconds a Hispanic youth turns 18. (from Scott Scovel, Univision, ATM-Debit-& Prepaid Forum).
  • 90% of 18-29 year olds sleep with their smartphones and 95% of people use the phone for something just before going to bed. (Mitch Joel, Six Pixels )
  • More than 700,000 apps have been developed for the iPhone and Android devices. (Eloqua blog)
  • 90% of the data in the world today was created in the last two years. (Eloqua blog)

Each one of these statistics brings to mind the changes in consumer markets, changes in consumer habits and the congestion in trying to get consumer attention.

  • What are the strategies that you will put in place to capture the younger market, especially the dominance of the Hispanic segment?
  • What about your use of a mobile site and maybe the use of an app to provide easy access to your products and services by phone or tablet?
  • And, what can you do to provide information in easy, simple and accessible ways to assist your customers/members in making better decisions?

Need help constructing a marketing plan to achieve your corporate goals and build more profitable customer/member relationships? Contact us at LemmonTree 480.967.1405.

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