Is Your Web Site in Need of Some TLC?
Kelly Kressner, Marketing Specialist

My Marketing Trends

Kelly Kressner, Marketing Specialist

With billions of searches being performed each month, it’s critical that your web site be an effective marketing tool that shows consumers how great your institution is at providing solutions to meet their financial needs. And, while I’m sure your website lists your products and services, but how well does your site stand out against the competition?

What intrigues members to return to your site besides online banking access?

Take a closer look at your site and see if it could use a “refresher”. If your web site is looking a little unpolished or lacking some pizzazz, try these pointers to breathe life into it:

  • De-clutter that home page! – We’re all culprits of it – we try to cram too many messages on to our front page. While all of the offers or notices may be important, try to keep only the newest and most relevant sound bytes/ banner ads.
  • Refresh images – Review your web statistics to find the pages that get viewed the most. Then, swap out the images to keep visual graphics timely.
  • Keep it interesting – Make sure there is something for your members to come back for. Whether it’s a fun online video or helpful budgeting tools, get members hooked on your online content.
  • Review your web analytics – You can track your web site stats for free with Google Analytics. Analyze what pages are getting the most views and which ones aren’t. Do the results surprise you? If you’re not happy with them, review the pages to see what new features or tools could be added to make them more interesting.
  • Easy navigation – Can a visitor find what they’re looking for in three clicks or less? If not, you may need to rethink your web site layout.

Put your web site to the test! Try our FREE Virtual Branch Audit tool.

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