Part 1 of 3: Understanding the New Age Wave – Gen Y

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder They Think Differently In reading Grown Up Digital, by Don Tapscott, there was a chapter on the 8 Net Gen Norms that created discussion in various areas of my personal and professional life. The eight Net Gen Norms are: Freedom, Customization, Scrutiny, Integrity, Collaboration, Entertainment, Speed, and Innovation. An interest example in his book was how “Integrity” swings two ways with Gen Yers. When buying a product, significant numbers of these young …

What Do You Envision for 2011?

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder Think that was a misprint? While we have just entered 2010, you already set your foundation of sales and success with your 2009 marketing efforts. So, what you plan now and execute in 2010 will affect results in 2011. If you’re not listening to your customers/members, you may be at risk of being too out of touch with their needs, concerns and desires to build relationships to last until 2011! From Tuned …

Roubini – a sage or just a doomsayer?

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder Interesting how the Internet has made so many people and their ideas accessible like Nouriel Roubini, an NYU economics professor who has been nicknamed Dr. Doom. I stumbled upon an article on the site entitled, “The Next Economic Bubble.” The author, Robert Samuelson, mentions how Roubini warned about the financial crisis well before it hit and now has concerns over a new “bubble” that is in danger of bursting. When reading …

The “Right” Time to Get into Social Media?

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder On business trips is when I get to do the most concentrated reading. So, this last trip, I read “Six Pixels of Separation” by Mitch Joel. Good thing I also carry post-it notes and notepads because there were several things that caught my brain. Not just my eye…caught my brain and started to make it reel from the possibilities! The first thing that I marked was how he commented was on page …

Balancing Analysis with Losing Control

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder Did you ever think how numbers can be spun to make any argument seem plausible? As an example, my daughter and I play a car-finding game with calling Slug Bugs (VW Bugs), PT Cruisers and Minis (Coopers). Recently we added Cop Car to the mix. On my way to work, I counted 10 PT Cruisers, 6 Slug Bugs (VW Bugs) and 2 Minis. If I were to start a running count each …

Turn a Deaf Ear

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder What are you reading and listening to in the media? My suggestion, turn a deaf ear to the constant reports of unemployment, the financiers who have robbed people of their savings, and the issues with bonuses at AIG.  The media’s job is to get your attention to do what?  Sell advertising. Remember that your marketing strategy is deeply affected by the people implementing it.  So, if you are feeling helpless and depressed …

Cut Your Way to Marketing Failure

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder With the economy slip-siding and senior management discussing budget cuts across the board, what is the real impact on the organization when marketing gets slashed? A noted marketing authority, Jack Ries, commented in his book, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, “Marketing is a game fought in the mind of the prospect.  You need money to get into a mind.  And you need money to stay in the mind once you get …