Asking the Right Questions on Surveys

My Analytical Side Denny Koepke, Vice President There have been several market research surveys flowing through my department recently and it has made me aware of how important the wording of questions can be to results. For example, here is one from a follow-up of a webinar that made me stop taking the survey. “If we had charged $495 for this year’s webinar series, would you have still attended?” The purpose of the webinar series was to replace the usual …

How can you be dissatisfied and willing to recommend?

My Analytical Side Denny Koepke, Vice President In doing several member satisfaction surveys in the first quarter of this year, there are always some raised eyebrow movements when reviewing the data. Even with the down economy, the average survey results for satisfaction are still coming in above 90%. The lower profile of credit unions in the media and having less visible problems than the big banking entities has seemed to insulate our clients. Yet, even with the continuing “thumbs up” …