Roubini – a sage or just a doomsayer?

My Marketing Strategy Nicolette Lemmon, President & Founder Interesting how the Internet has made so many people and their ideas accessible like Nouriel Roubini, an NYU economics professor who has been nicknamed Dr. Doom. I stumbled upon an article on the site entitled, “The Next Economic Bubble.” The author, Robert Samuelson, mentions how Roubini warned about the financial crisis well before it hit and now has concerns over a new “bubble” that is in danger of bursting. When reading …

Times like These Demand a Review of Your Core

My Analytical Side Denny Koepke, Vice President This summer, we created 6-month reviews for our clients to determine if their marketing plans were working by continuing to build additional business with members. More importantly, was the expenditure of their marketing dollars attracting more results from existing members compared to their new members? In client data, we found that the existing members brought in business at the rate of 3:1 and 4:1 in terms of loan dollars and deposit dollars from …