Remember “People Helping People”

As a newbie marketing director,  I was told the foundation of a credit union was “People Helping People”.  It was the statement of pride for each credit union about why they were in business and added to it was, “Not for Profit but for Service”. For a credit union, it really was a great foundation for talking about why someone should become a member. Whether the credit union was a single sponsor charter or had a large list of Select …

Ready to Talk about Brand “You”?

So often, marketers are not as good about marketing themselves as they are for their organization. Yet, building your own personal brand is key to more opportunities and better career moves, even within your current organization. Here are three things that are the building blocks to your personal brand: Your Competitive Advantage – why should someone hire you, promote you, want you on their team or to be a friend? Is it experience, expertise, knowledge, or education that makes you …

3 Ways to Make Your Marketing Matter – Starting Now

The New Year enables a fresh perspective on achieving goals across the coming months, and yet the time seems to fly by because of busy schedules, so many people asking you for things and shifts or changes in your marketing plan from senior management. Want a few great ways to stay focused and efficient even when senior managers are throwing wrenches into your nicely laid out plan?  Here are my three “go to” solutions: Create a Swipe File – Set …

Let’s Get Personal

When was the last time you were able to take the time to step away and plan for your career or develop personal goals or dreams about what’s next for you?  We’re all so busy that often our own personal marketing falls to happenstance. Here are 3 hacks to help you sharpen your focus and improve efficiency in your personal marketing to capture those amazing opportunities that you dream about! Simple Personal Marketing Plan – There are 3 quick things …

Marketing Fail – Automated Personalization

A benefit of big data is the ability to use pieces of information that is collected to personalize e-marketing or direct mail. Case studies have shown that people will respond better when the message is tailored to them rather than generic. It is especially effective when trying to make an emotional connection with the target. However, it is very important not to rely on automated personalization straight from your data pull. For example, social media platforms and vendors who allow …

Connecting the Dots

When sending an email or a letter to someone in your network, applying for a new position, or corresponding with a senior manager, make sure to connect the dots. It’s amazing how often people forget to give the reader the context of your message. For example, explain the reason for contacting them: Following up from a past meeting Passing along a new piece of information that is of value from past conversations Saw him/her speak A mutual friend that you have A …

Brand Message in 8 Seconds

What…8 seconds? Yes, it seems that we now have less of an attention span than a goldfish! While it used to be 12 seconds 7 years ago*, with the cacophony of images, media and messages flowing at us at a faster pace from our mobile devices, our brain has mastered more flitting! How do you even get your marketing messages into 8 seconds with comprehension? Your brand story and any marketing message has to be so clear that it can …

Your Personal Brand in 8 Seconds

It is always important to have an elevator speech that is 30 seconds or less about you as a business and what you do. Yet, if our attention spans are getting shorter, it is even more important to have one that grabs interest and plants your brand in the other person’s mind. To grab attention during a quick attention span, consider these key things to include in your personal brand message: Benefit – What problem do you solve for someone …

Plan Ahead for 2017 with These 3 Steps to Your Story

Recently, I was asked to share my thoughts by a Credit Union Journal reporter about the problems at Wells Fargo with their cross-selling goals fiasco. The questions were about the opportunity for credit unions to attract prospective members from the negative media coverage. Having worked with credit unions for many years, here is what I said about positioning themselves as an option. Whenever there is a concern over banking, trust or financial security; credit unions can gain momentum if they …

Building Your Story for Enhancing Success

Aren’t we all suckers for a great story? If a story touches our heart, our emotions, we are also more likely to remember it. So what is your story? Here are three ways to get started: Create a compelling mission that includes what you want to accomplish, the difference you want to make, and the ways you are making people lives, relationships, and/or businesses better. Describe a situation that illustrates how you came to understand your mission that made it …